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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words
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What the Wind and the Holy Spirit Have in Common (and Why it Matters!)

Who is the Holy Spirit? Imagine trying to sail a sailboat from San Diego to Hawaii with just oars. Ridiculous! Right? And yet, here we try to power our lives on our own apart from the Holy Spirit. He is like the wind in our sails. He provides the power to move us, we just […]

Jesus Speaks Life Into The Dead Places

John 11 begins with an introduction to Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus, who was very ill and on the verge of death (11:1). Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, sent a message to Jesus asking for His help (vs.2-3). Martha and Mary did something profound with their concerns. In the midst of their storm, they […]

Vision without Execution is Hallucination

About one year ago, my wife and I discovered black mold in our kitchen and it was horrifying. We immediately cleaned and disinfected the everything in the cabinets to make sure that the mold was gone. Two weeks later, all of the mold was back and it was so frustrating because we didn’t know where […]